This is what love looks like…

When I was a little girl we visited my mother’s family in the Netherlands, and in those gardens - lovingly tended by my Tante and Oma - my connection to flowers began.  In the quiet of the afternoon, during preparations for dinner, I would be handed a vase or two, and shears, along with permission to pick what called to me and arrange it how I liked.  Those moments, among that color and texture, hold such vivid memories for me; not just in my mind, but deep…The kind of memory that guides you to where you are supposed to be.

In 2017, inspired by a move to our farm, and a visit to The Netherlands to celebrate my Tante Ebelien’s 90th birthday, we took the next step.  Starting something new is scary, but it felt right. There have been bumps in the road along the way, but those bumps – and the unwavering support of family and friends - have led us to here.  To this.  

This is what love looks like.